Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Weekend Updates

I was invited for this party. The conclusion I reached to after visiting her place is: I need to get married. I want a house like that and I cannot afford it by myself. Would be easier if I have a husband with a descent salary!!
2 different solutions –
*Marry a rich guy. You get a house+ car+ many more things as package deal!
*Marry a working guy (Requirement: good salary). So you buy a house, you pay monthly installments; you decorate it the way you want. You build a home – together.
I prefer this option. So NO.I don’t want a rich guy.

Cedar Point is THE best place to go to in summer!! It rocks!! And the new ride Maverick is mind blowing!! I seriously doubt that I would ever get bored at cedar point.


Siddarth said...

Seems you had a busy weekend!

Björn said...

Someone call Kanye... I spy a gold digger!! hahahahahhahahaha