We are surrounded by people all the time. People, sooner or later, turn into friends. Friends have varied roles in our life. Now these are the “Supporting Cast Roles”
· Advisors – Helps you to establish personal priorities and use informal networks to make progress toward your goals.
· Catalysts – bring best in you. Serve as sparkplugs for your thoughts and actions.
· Celebrators – Celebrates your accomplishments and make them more meaningful.
· Cheerleaders – Support and nurture when times are tough. Provide encouragement to help you through crisis.
· Constructive Critics – dare you to rethink your plans and decisions. Provide you the honest feedback.
· Esteem Builders – support and reinforce your self-image. Help you to believe you can succeed.
· Role models – people whose success and life you want to replicate. Ones who model values, norms and behaviors that you adore.
Its absolute sad –I cannot jot down more than 5 friends (5 includes parents) Most of the names just get repeated in the list. 27 years – 5 friends -who care about you, who know real “you”
Should I be proud of these 5 or be disappointed with rest of the circle? And another thought – Who all would include me in their list?