Monday, January 12, 2009

If only God Inc. had smart engineers……

I recently had many issues with my laptop. ( and so with my brain !!) Well…was so easy troubleshooting and fixing hard drive!
• Desperately need a search function within my brain cells. Would be nice if I can search within my brain cells using keywords like {May, birthdays} or { article , capitalism , facts I read }
• Need a reminder / stimuli embedded in brain that would send some response on a date I owe payments or time when I cross calorie count for the day etc etc.
• F5 – for refreshing my thoughts and mind every time I yawn!!
• Esc – when I want to stop thinking bout crap and want to concentrate on better topic.
• CTRL + ALT +DEL would be nice. Restarting the processes – whenever I want to!
• For all the Devil thoughts, unimportant headaches – search and destroy or neuron McAFee.
• Any RAM upgrade possible??
• Shift + Delete – to get rid of all those moments and people in past I am trying to forget – selective memory erasure?