Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Underrated –

I happen to attend Blackmore’s Night concert. I went in with zero (or negative) expectations. But I am feeling blessed to watch Ritchie performing live. Great guitarist….I might not be an apt music critic but I can definitely tell that he rocks!! He is outstanding…
He is rated 55th in Greatest Guitarist of all time…..I disagree! All Rolling stones list are highly biased towards 70s (oldschool) and never gets updated with the new music. It is also based on ‘popular’ music….probably no one heard enough of Deep Purple or Blackmore’s night!
Renaissance, Medieval, European Classical and heavy metal….He blends it just perfectly….Extra Ordinary!


Martin Luther King – civil rights against racial discrimination
Mother Theresa – spent life as a missionary of charity
Aung San Suu Kyi – decades of struggle for democracy and human rights
Nelson Mandela – spent life against Racial Segregation
Muhammad Yunus – for economic development of women
Barack Obama – ummm, not sure….

“For his extra ordinary efforts to strengthen diplomacy”.
“For being inspiration and hope for World Peace.
“For recognizing his efforts” (Does he really needs this? )

He is the president of most powerful nation……Is this not on his Job Duty list? Its been just 10 months that he took this position (compared to others who spent whole life for some notable cause) He has all the power and money that can bring the change. And really- has there been any major, noteworthy and lasting changes?
Why not give all that money and honor to some organization that really needs it

All the other Nobel peace laureates had extreme /hostile conditions.
Most of the laureates had been presidents/ prime ministers or some position in politics. But their work did not use this political advantage.

There is certain respect for Nobel Prize – which I kinda lost when I heard his nomination (and then the win)

Saturday, September 12, 2009

When life gives you lemons ....make a lemonade!!

Do not think bout the orange juice you had before OR pray for Strawberry lemonade OR dream about Chardonnay!!

Life is good and Lemonade is great ....when you learn to enjoy!!

Friday, May 01, 2009

I sent my pictures to dozen friends….only one said “seems you are not eating well….take care”
Only one friend who would be waiting for your call on birthday ….and will understand n not get mad even if you call late…..
At the end of the day it is such a great feeling to have a true friend!
Miss you a lot, Gayatri!

Saturday, April 18, 2009

I was on National TV!!

So I got (why me is not important) the suite n floor tickets of Cleveland Cavaliers Vs Boston Celtics game ( April 12) Game looks so different from 2nd row!!
I was sitting next to Z and Varejao …took around 200 pictures of Z!
I could hear players talking and cussing!
I was on TV with LeBron!
Varejao gave me his headband
Took picture with Dan Gilbert.
Unlimited food n drinks!
Cavs dominated 76-107
Amazing Amazing experience!! Check out the pictures…..

Cavs Vs Celtics

Friday, April 03, 2009

I was crazy about a sport ….about a sportsman
I was crazy about a song ….a movie….an actor….
I was crazy about a hobby….about job…..about school….for the dream
I was crazy for that place ….about that day ….that moment ….that memory…..
I was crazy about a guy….about a man….about a friend …..about friendship…about love…..
Everything in the end proved how stupid I am and how insane is being crazy . Learning from the mistakes, I am making a wise promise to myself to stop being passionate and start being rational………
……until that proves me stupid me again!

Friday, March 13, 2009


• Citi bank’s share below $ 1
• To join a H1 consultant you need to appear for an entrance exam.
• Best Buy has special parking space for “Expectant Mothers”
• Warren Buffet owns Geico & Dairy Queen ….unrelated business strategy king!
• Disney owns ESPN. Also E!
• Mariah Carey’s new album name is E= MC2 with the featured song “Touch my body”. I would like to know what Albert thinks about this. Katie Perry was a gospel singer. Sure she understands a lot about Christian revelations!

P.S. Very lame attempt to write something not SAD or NERDY

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

How to weigh emotions & moments? Especially, when there is No output, No returns or gains. Where is the ROI?? For every minute I invested, for every feeling I had?? How to compensate all that time on balance sheet? Why there is no ‘cash flow’ for feelings? Why the ‘present value’ of all past feelings assets is Null?

Monday, January 12, 2009

If only God Inc. had smart engineers……

I recently had many issues with my laptop. ( and so with my brain !!) Well…was so easy troubleshooting and fixing hard drive!
• Desperately need a search function within my brain cells. Would be nice if I can search within my brain cells using keywords like {May, birthdays} or { article , capitalism , facts I read }
• Need a reminder / stimuli embedded in brain that would send some response on a date I owe payments or time when I cross calorie count for the day etc etc.
• F5 – for refreshing my thoughts and mind every time I yawn!!
• Esc – when I want to stop thinking bout crap and want to concentrate on better topic.
• CTRL + ALT +DEL would be nice. Restarting the processes – whenever I want to!
• For all the Devil thoughts, unimportant headaches – search and destroy or neuron McAFee.
• Any RAM upgrade possible??
• Shift + Delete – to get rid of all those moments and people in past I am trying to forget – selective memory erasure?