Friday, February 23, 2007

Conference Room Torment

Meetings. Reminds me so much of loooong boring lectures in graduate college.
Presentation day in a class. Where everyone misses their previous nights’ sleep to create some PPT slides. Next day is spent in rehearsing them and worrying about questions others would ask. Then few hours of nervousness. And in the end, 15 minutes of final show which is NOT at all worth of spending this much time n energy. And then you see other class mates chatting, playing games, guys staring at girls, girls worrying bout their makeup. Forget the questions; there is not a single student who is listening. Only the professor or may be not even him.

Sitting in a similar meeting but in my office, I wonder how many hours this person would have spent last week on creating agenda, data search, inviting people, on slides and stuff. How much of project cost and project time is actually invested in it. He worked hard on this for a whole week, waiting for this day. And now half of the people are nodding without listening, I am thinking about how can I get my next coffee and scribbling a blog in my notepad , others pretending really busy and working on laptops. The person who I think (and I hope) is actually listening, is the manager. When presenter went through all this torture all he should have cared was just this Manager. No one else gives a damn bout what he is talking. So I wonder why to waste so much of time of 15 other people? Stop inviting me for stupid conferences!!

This is the time when you actually think about all nonsense things in world. You have so much of time to meditate! I used to write down all cricket teams and players I've known.Or list of people I Hate. I once even wrote down all the streets in Pune I possibly could think of – in a software engineering class! And in such agony, waiting for time to fly, I just keep thinking bout all dreadful moments in my life. Not a single pleasant memory! I have never understood the reason behind this. So by the time I leave the conference room I know I am in pensive mood – all frustrated by my life. What single presentation can do to you!!

No matter where you go …...Some things just never change …..let it be school, a grad school or a corporate world. “The probability of someone watching you is always proportional to stupidity of you action”. I agree. So, I can go on scribbling or chatting in a meeting. I don’t care. No one is watching. Coz that’s the wisest thing to do here - in a conference room!!


Björn said...

Why are my comments being blocked?

Anyway, this was pretty apt... although I actually DO tend to pay attention in the conference room! I just should get better habits :)

Thank you, sir!

Anonymous said...

really true!!and i dont feel ashamed to admit that i hardly take notes when lecture or conference is going on...!!!actually its quite weird that u work very hard for ur own presentation ,u consider each n every point the audience will think when it comes to u being one of them...u pay no heed to the speaker....!!....of course many exceptions to this one!! i am talking about normal human beings!