Thursday, July 12, 2007

Yesterday I found out - my department manager has been going in same restaurant for lunch everyday for last I don’t know how many years ( I would assume 10+) So 5 days a week and say around 30 weeks (she is on business trips many times )
She never needs a menu .She never places any order – all the waitresses know what she would want. I mean she walks in and literally in 5 mins there is a dish in front of her.
It’s a very good place to eat…no doubts. But everyday??? Isn’t it too much? I mean I try not to repeat the lunch place in a month….There are so many cuisines, lot many options.

In engineering days, BJ used to eat Joshi Vadapaav everyday.
Arj ate same tacos for a whole summer.
I remember HH making a statement that he can eat chipotle - everyday lunch n dinner.
Sags n me used to eat subway everyday in summer 2005. But that just resulted in making me so sick of subs that I haven’t had it in last 15 months.
I can never eat food at same place again n again…..not at any place…not even Aai’s cooked food.

And they say Change is inevitable….change is constant.

1 comment:

Siddarth said...

Seems like your apartment manager loves "As Good As It Gets"!!