What exactly needs to be done when someone gives you this advice? According to phrasectionary it means “That’s how things are…accept it!”And “Get over it” which means “accept it and move on to more productive pursuits”
So does it mean – be insensitive? Be thick skinned, keep your eyes closed and ignore so that it won’t bother you? If you are trying too hard about getting over or getting used to – does it mean you “accept” it? If you are killing your every wish, dream and thought – does it mean you “accept” it?
Why there is no better advice? I DON’T want to get used to it – I want the alternate solution
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Monday, December 15, 2008
I am extremely bored.....This is the list someone "tagged" me with almost a year ago....Guess I am finding time for it now!!
( and yes - you all are tagged - if you have absolutely nothing better to do with your time....)
1.Been arrested?
Huh? What a start….NO. But that would be adventurous.
2 . Thought your cousin was hot?
No. But I am pretty sure; all my cousins think I am Hot!!!
3. Been in love?
Duh! YES
4. Gone over the speed limit?
Yes. Everyday.
5. Painted your room?
Nope. I would like to.
6. Danced in front of your mirror?
Almost every day.
7. Gotten in a car with people you just met?
Umm…. Yeah. Is that a big deal?
8. Snuck out of your house?
Yes. Snuck in – Yes.
9. Had feelings for someone who didn't have them back?
Yes. Hurts. Badly.
10. Been dumped?
That hurts more.
11. Left your house without telling your parents?
Thousands of times. Whats wrong in that?
12. Had a crush on your neighbor?
Yeah. When I was a teenager.
13. Slept in a bed with a member of the same or opposite sex ?
Ohh…what does “slept in…” means??
14. Seen someone die?
15. Kissed a picture?
Haha!! Infinite times!!
16. Slept in until 3?
AM or PM? Yes…both
17. Love someone or miss someone right now?
18. Laid on your back and watched cloud shapes go by?
Yeah. Watching stars is what I enjoy more.
19. Played dress up?
Oh yes! I used to love it.
20. Cheated while playing a game?
Yes. Well, at least I don’t deny it.
21. Been lonely?
Yes. Every evening. Hate it completely.
22. Fallen asleep at work/school?
Yes. Come on….who in the world would say no??
23. Been to a club?
Now, there are 100 kinds of clubs. I have been to all descent ones.
24. Felt an earthquake?
Yes, twice I guess. Would never forget 1993’s. At dawn and in ganeshotsav.
25. Touched a snake?
Yes. Slimy. Didn’t like it all.
26. Made out in a movie theater?
Almost. Well...define it first...
27. Been in a car accident?
28. Hated the way you look?
29. Witnessed a crime?
30. Been lost?
Haha!!! Always.
31. Been to the opposite side of the country?
India? US? Both No.....
32. Felt like dying from embarrassment?
few times.
33. Cried yourself to sleep?
Hmm. multiple times.
34. Sang karaoke?
Nope. Would never do that.
35. Done something you told yourself you wouldn't do?
Yes. But No karaoke….
36. Kissed in the rain?
37. Sung in the shower?
38. Played getting married?
HUH?? Gimme a break….
39. Ever gone to school partially nude?
40. Ever been too scared to watch scary movies alone?
41. Had crush on married man/ woman
Dravid , Brad Pitt…..All good men are married. So yes!
42. Been told you're hot by a complete stranger?
43. Broken a bone?
Yeah. Bones.
44. Been easily amused?
That’s me!
45. Laugh so hard you cry?
46. Cheated on a test?
Hell yes!!
47. Played an instrument for more than 10 hours?
Nope. Don’t think I would ever do that.
48. Cheated on a girlfriend/boyfriend?
Same as answer 47.
49. Did you celebrate the 4th of July?
Yes…. It’s a long week end!!
50. Felt like someone?
Yeah. No. what does this mean??
51. Thought about running away?
Many times.
52. Cried over someone?
I donno what crying over means.
53. Own an instrument?
54. Drank 25 sodas in a day?
No. I don’t drink pop.
55. Shot a gun?
Naa. But surely would love to try once.
56. Been on facebook or orkut for more than 5 hours?
Nope. Waste….
57. Have a major crush on someone right now?
58. Thought about what people would say at your funeral?
Nope. Never. But now I am thinking.
59. Got frustrated because someone didn’t kiss you?
60. Followed someone secretely
Yes! Its fun…. :P
( and yes - you all are tagged - if you have absolutely nothing better to do with your time....)
1.Been arrested?
Huh? What a start….NO. But that would be adventurous.
2 . Thought your cousin was hot?
No. But I am pretty sure; all my cousins think I am Hot!!!
3. Been in love?
Duh! YES
4. Gone over the speed limit?
Yes. Everyday.
5. Painted your room?
Nope. I would like to.
6. Danced in front of your mirror?
Almost every day.
7. Gotten in a car with people you just met?
Umm…. Yeah. Is that a big deal?
8. Snuck out of your house?
Yes. Snuck in – Yes.
9. Had feelings for someone who didn't have them back?
Yes. Hurts. Badly.
10. Been dumped?
That hurts more.
11. Left your house without telling your parents?
Thousands of times. Whats wrong in that?
12. Had a crush on your neighbor?
Yeah. When I was a teenager.
13. Slept in a bed with a member of the same or opposite sex ?
Ohh…what does “slept in…” means??
14. Seen someone die?
15. Kissed a picture?
Haha!! Infinite times!!
16. Slept in until 3?
AM or PM? Yes…both
17. Love someone or miss someone right now?
18. Laid on your back and watched cloud shapes go by?
Yeah. Watching stars is what I enjoy more.
19. Played dress up?
Oh yes! I used to love it.
20. Cheated while playing a game?
Yes. Well, at least I don’t deny it.
21. Been lonely?
Yes. Every evening. Hate it completely.
22. Fallen asleep at work/school?
Yes. Come on….who in the world would say no??
23. Been to a club?
Now, there are 100 kinds of clubs. I have been to all descent ones.
24. Felt an earthquake?
Yes, twice I guess. Would never forget 1993’s. At dawn and in ganeshotsav.
25. Touched a snake?
Yes. Slimy. Didn’t like it all.
26. Made out in a movie theater?
Almost. Well...define it first...
27. Been in a car accident?
28. Hated the way you look?
29. Witnessed a crime?
30. Been lost?
Haha!!! Always.
31. Been to the opposite side of the country?
India? US? Both No.....
32. Felt like dying from embarrassment?
few times.
33. Cried yourself to sleep?
Hmm. multiple times.
34. Sang karaoke?
Nope. Would never do that.
35. Done something you told yourself you wouldn't do?
Yes. But No karaoke….
36. Kissed in the rain?
37. Sung in the shower?
38. Played getting married?
HUH?? Gimme a break….
39. Ever gone to school partially nude?
40. Ever been too scared to watch scary movies alone?
41. Had crush on married man/ woman
Dravid , Brad Pitt…..All good men are married. So yes!
42. Been told you're hot by a complete stranger?
43. Broken a bone?
Yeah. Bones.
44. Been easily amused?
That’s me!
45. Laugh so hard you cry?
46. Cheated on a test?
Hell yes!!
47. Played an instrument for more than 10 hours?
Nope. Don’t think I would ever do that.
48. Cheated on a girlfriend/boyfriend?
Same as answer 47.
49. Did you celebrate the 4th of July?
Yes…. It’s a long week end!!
50. Felt like someone?
Yeah. No. what does this mean??
51. Thought about running away?
Many times.
52. Cried over someone?
I donno what crying over means.
53. Own an instrument?
54. Drank 25 sodas in a day?
No. I don’t drink pop.
55. Shot a gun?
Naa. But surely would love to try once.
56. Been on facebook or orkut for more than 5 hours?
Nope. Waste….
57. Have a major crush on someone right now?
58. Thought about what people would say at your funeral?
Nope. Never. But now I am thinking.
59. Got frustrated because someone didn’t kiss you?
60. Followed someone secretely
Yes! Its fun…. :P
Friday, November 21, 2008
In last 4 months…
· Unforgettable Moment
Watching Federer Play….
· Amazing Moment
White water rafting
· Damn Moment
Power outage. Locked out of garage. The only key to open garage is in car. And car is the garage!
· Double Damn moment
3 days without power in my apartment, no heat, no car ……
Workplace has no power issues ……….I did not get a single day off…..
· Ouch moment
I gave my phone number to a guy I am crazy about – and he threw it away in a trash can!
· Arghhhhhh moment
Everyone seems to agree upon “kadak laxmi”
· Proud moment
My parents keep telling me that my niece Gargi reminds them a lot me as a child! Makes me feel nice…..
· Dreading moment
Soon my close friends will be leaving me and I will be all alone here…..
· Unforgettable Moment
Watching Federer Play….
· Amazing Moment
White water rafting
· Damn Moment
Power outage. Locked out of garage. The only key to open garage is in car. And car is the garage!
· Double Damn moment
3 days without power in my apartment, no heat, no car ……
Workplace has no power issues ……….I did not get a single day off…..
· Ouch moment
I gave my phone number to a guy I am crazy about – and he threw it away in a trash can!
· Arghhhhhh moment
Everyone seems to agree upon “kadak laxmi”
· Proud moment
My parents keep telling me that my niece Gargi reminds them a lot me as a child! Makes me feel nice…..
· Dreading moment
Soon my close friends will be leaving me and I will be all alone here…..
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Supporting Cast
We are surrounded by people all the time. People, sooner or later, turn into friends. Friends have varied roles in our life. Now these are the “Supporting Cast Roles”
· Advisors – Helps you to establish personal priorities and use informal networks to make progress toward your goals.
· Catalysts – bring best in you. Serve as sparkplugs for your thoughts and actions.
· Celebrators – Celebrates your accomplishments and make them more meaningful.
· Cheerleaders – Support and nurture when times are tough. Provide encouragement to help you through crisis.
· Constructive Critics – dare you to rethink your plans and decisions. Provide you the honest feedback.
· Esteem Builders – support and reinforce your self-image. Help you to believe you can succeed.
· Role models – people whose success and life you want to replicate. Ones who model values, norms and behaviors that you adore.
Its absolute sad –I cannot jot down more than 5 friends (5 includes parents) Most of the names just get repeated in the list. 27 years – 5 friends -who care about you, who know real “you”
Should I be proud of these 5 or be disappointed with rest of the circle? And another thought – Who all would include me in their list?
· Advisors – Helps you to establish personal priorities and use informal networks to make progress toward your goals.
· Catalysts – bring best in you. Serve as sparkplugs for your thoughts and actions.
· Celebrators – Celebrates your accomplishments and make them more meaningful.
· Cheerleaders – Support and nurture when times are tough. Provide encouragement to help you through crisis.
· Constructive Critics – dare you to rethink your plans and decisions. Provide you the honest feedback.
· Esteem Builders – support and reinforce your self-image. Help you to believe you can succeed.
· Role models – people whose success and life you want to replicate. Ones who model values, norms and behaviors that you adore.
Its absolute sad –I cannot jot down more than 5 friends (5 includes parents) Most of the names just get repeated in the list. 27 years – 5 friends -who care about you, who know real “you”
Should I be proud of these 5 or be disappointed with rest of the circle? And another thought – Who all would include me in their list?
Thursday, August 07, 2008
Everyday has its feel. Everyone knows how Monday is….I love Monday afternoons. Coz I get exact picture of how this week is going to suck!
Tuesday and Wednesday have this “slow n get over with” feel. Thursday is the damn busy day. And Friday is the one when life suddenly gets on track n everything starts going smooth! Saturdays are exciting and I hate hate Sundays. All I think on Sunday is how my Monday is going to be! Its unfair how much attention a Monday gets!!
But these days….no day has its feel or any feel. Friday or Monday - is the same. Week has no sensation or no savor. Enjoyments are uninspiring. Entertainments are passable. Indifferent to loneliness. There is nothing to look forward to.
Is this going to turn into months? Coz I love august. I want to live “august” !!
Tuesday and Wednesday have this “slow n get over with” feel. Thursday is the damn busy day. And Friday is the one when life suddenly gets on track n everything starts going smooth! Saturdays are exciting and I hate hate Sundays. All I think on Sunday is how my Monday is going to be! Its unfair how much attention a Monday gets!!
But these days….no day has its feel or any feel. Friday or Monday - is the same. Week has no sensation or no savor. Enjoyments are uninspiring. Entertainments are passable. Indifferent to loneliness. There is nothing to look forward to.
Is this going to turn into months? Coz I love august. I want to live “august” !!
Monday, July 07, 2008
Friday, June 27, 2008
Wimbledon 2008
Watch this guy in ALL tournaments for the next year......

His service ....simply rocks!!!

Being cute and wearing sleazy clothes does not help in win.

His service ....simply rocks!!!

Being cute and wearing sleazy clothes does not help in win.
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
Isn’t it strange that when a girl acquires some authority – she is often instantly tagged “Bossy”!!
While, if it is a guy holding same responsibilities, he is praised for his leadership qualities.
Also, dominating natured girl gets this comment frequently – “I feel sorry for you husband….you would be micromanaging each n everything all the time!!”
And for a guy who ‘dictates’ plans to everyone around him gets “How lucky his wife would be to have such a well organized husband”
And what more surprising is about 98% of people around me are sexist!!
While, if it is a guy holding same responsibilities, he is praised for his leadership qualities.
Also, dominating natured girl gets this comment frequently – “I feel sorry for you husband….you would be micromanaging each n everything all the time!!”
And for a guy who ‘dictates’ plans to everyone around him gets “How lucky his wife would be to have such a well organized husband”
And what more surprising is about 98% of people around me are sexist!!
Tuesday, May 06, 2008
“Expectations is the root of all misery”
What crap is that?
So no matter how the person acts – you still should not feel bad? Because you should not expect him to be nice in first place!! Don’t I have right to get hurt? So I have to be real blunt in order to not feel miserable!
Well – How much efforts it takes to make someone feel special? Is it really difficult to bring smile on someone’s face? OR is it very simple to hurt someone?
Was Lord Buddha the only person to conceive reasoning behind this? Why is it so hard to actualize No Expectations mantra?
So no matter how the person acts – you still should not feel bad? Because you should not expect him to be nice in first place!! Don’t I have right to get hurt? So I have to be real blunt in order to not feel miserable!
Well – How much efforts it takes to make someone feel special? Is it really difficult to bring smile on someone’s face? OR is it very simple to hurt someone?
Was Lord Buddha the only person to conceive reasoning behind this? Why is it so hard to actualize No Expectations mantra?
Sunday, April 20, 2008
World Is Flat
Is it true that there is no comparative advantage left for US, UK, Japan over developing countries? Do you agree with “World is Flat” assessment?
This is about Globalization. Decades before, economy was ruled by developed countries. There was a huge gap in standings between 3 powerful country and rest of the countries. Now the gap is reducing fast. “Playing Field” of economy is slowly become flat. And I agree with this.
If we see the global trend, then transformation from manufacturing economy to knowledge economy is pretty evident. Geography, Natural resources are becoming less important for economic advantage. Talent in the community of people is the key resource in this era. For Example, Oil countries definitely are powerful and have an upper hand in economy. Tomorrow if some small country comes up with invention of successful solution to replace petrol, crude oil; then this patent will have much higher economic advantage the actual petrol processing countries.
Asia (especially India and China) has opened a huge job market. Availability of cheap labor being a huge plus, jobs are moving across the borders from US or Western Europe. Both these countries have shown a phenomenal GDP growth.
Multinational companies in US and Europe are looking for newer markets – mostly in Asia. The important reason being large buying power. Thus these companies bring an international business and enormous foreign currency helping economy of third world countries. Multinationals try to integrate the financial market globally. They search for newer locations across the world in some top leading cities of developing countries.
Throughout the world, all the countries are facing intensified competition in this globalize economy. One catastrophic event any where across the world – can cause its ripples throughout in all the economies. All the share markets, stocks and financial structures are interwoven. The way 9/11 affected globally, tomorrow any major event Beijing, Mumbai or Singapore will shake the all leading countries’ stock market.
It would be an exaggeration to say that -No comparative advantage is left for US, UK or Japan over developing countries. But then the gap is exponentially decreasing day by day. Thus, if not completely flat – it is getting flatter n flatter day by day.
Reference: “World Is Flat” by Thomas Friedman
I read this book for my MBA course. There was a class discussion about “globalization” and I was the only student with “flat world” opinion. All rest seems to agree that none of the developing countries matter to business or to multinational companies. Kind of surprising for me! But then I am the only international student in class (if that matters) What do you think?
This is about Globalization. Decades before, economy was ruled by developed countries. There was a huge gap in standings between 3 powerful country and rest of the countries. Now the gap is reducing fast. “Playing Field” of economy is slowly become flat. And I agree with this.
If we see the global trend, then transformation from manufacturing economy to knowledge economy is pretty evident. Geography, Natural resources are becoming less important for economic advantage. Talent in the community of people is the key resource in this era. For Example, Oil countries definitely are powerful and have an upper hand in economy. Tomorrow if some small country comes up with invention of successful solution to replace petrol, crude oil; then this patent will have much higher economic advantage the actual petrol processing countries.
Asia (especially India and China) has opened a huge job market. Availability of cheap labor being a huge plus, jobs are moving across the borders from US or Western Europe. Both these countries have shown a phenomenal GDP growth.
Multinational companies in US and Europe are looking for newer markets – mostly in Asia. The important reason being large buying power. Thus these companies bring an international business and enormous foreign currency helping economy of third world countries. Multinationals try to integrate the financial market globally. They search for newer locations across the world in some top leading cities of developing countries.
Throughout the world, all the countries are facing intensified competition in this globalize economy. One catastrophic event any where across the world – can cause its ripples throughout in all the economies. All the share markets, stocks and financial structures are interwoven. The way 9/11 affected globally, tomorrow any major event Beijing, Mumbai or Singapore will shake the all leading countries’ stock market.
It would be an exaggeration to say that -No comparative advantage is left for US, UK or Japan over developing countries. But then the gap is exponentially decreasing day by day. Thus, if not completely flat – it is getting flatter n flatter day by day.
Reference: “World Is Flat” by Thomas Friedman
I read this book for my MBA course. There was a class discussion about “globalization” and I was the only student with “flat world” opinion. All rest seems to agree that none of the developing countries matter to business or to multinational companies. Kind of surprising for me! But then I am the only international student in class (if that matters) What do you think?
Thursday, February 07, 2008
Prejudiced Moron
How pathetic a politician can be? How mature of a citizen he is to kick out other people from city? Sending your “sena” to accuse and abuse poor people on road? Is this what you call democracy and right to stay, travel, work anywhere across the country?
It is absolutely sad to see all those huge hoardings in Mumbai which asks to give jobs to only mumbaikars or maharashtrians. Or asks north Indians to leave the city. If it has jobs and if it’s a financial capital of the country, how can you complain about non localite people migrating in? Did they not contribute anything to city? Don’t they pay city tax? Who the hell owns the right on the city?? Who are you to ask citizens of the country to leave and show off your right on the place?? So after removing all non mumbaikars, is N mumbai resident going to fight against S mumbai? Or Say Dadar against Andheri?? And hell with Thackeray – are all mumbaikars blind and dumb?
How ridiculous is this to ask employers to hire people who are mumbaites! So you don’t care bout the qualifications, skill set or the worth of that person but his home city?? Bullshit! Which century I am in?
I complained a lot when I returned to Pune after two years – about all non puneites in the city - People crowding for jobs or education. But I would never support to throw them out of Pune. Just because I am born in Pune does not mean I get preference to go to Pune University or get a job in some Pune company over any other Indian.
You talk bout racism and you criticize US for its treatment to international residents – look at you. Is provincialism any better than racism?? America has equal opportunity jobs and no hidden meaning in that.You crave for making your economy strong by making policies n laws against your own country’s citizens? Did someone tell me (proudly) “Mumbai is cosmopolitan”? Well it protests, complains against north Indians, south Indians, central Indians and basically everyone!! NYC has 40% foreign born population has residents from 150+ countries – with jobs and equal rights. AND THAT IS real cosmopolitan.
How is it possible that we will ever unite as a country and forget about locality, city, cast and religion? I guarantee - Not in my lifetime.
It is absolutely sad to see all those huge hoardings in Mumbai which asks to give jobs to only mumbaikars or maharashtrians. Or asks north Indians to leave the city. If it has jobs and if it’s a financial capital of the country, how can you complain about non localite people migrating in? Did they not contribute anything to city? Don’t they pay city tax? Who the hell owns the right on the city?? Who are you to ask citizens of the country to leave and show off your right on the place?? So after removing all non mumbaikars, is N mumbai resident going to fight against S mumbai? Or Say Dadar against Andheri?? And hell with Thackeray – are all mumbaikars blind and dumb?
How ridiculous is this to ask employers to hire people who are mumbaites! So you don’t care bout the qualifications, skill set or the worth of that person but his home city?? Bullshit! Which century I am in?
I complained a lot when I returned to Pune after two years – about all non puneites in the city - People crowding for jobs or education. But I would never support to throw them out of Pune. Just because I am born in Pune does not mean I get preference to go to Pune University or get a job in some Pune company over any other Indian.
You talk bout racism and you criticize US for its treatment to international residents – look at you. Is provincialism any better than racism?? America has equal opportunity jobs and no hidden meaning in that.You crave for making your economy strong by making policies n laws against your own country’s citizens? Did someone tell me (proudly) “Mumbai is cosmopolitan”? Well it protests, complains against north Indians, south Indians, central Indians and basically everyone!! NYC has 40% foreign born population has residents from 150+ countries – with jobs and equal rights. AND THAT IS real cosmopolitan.
How is it possible that we will ever unite as a country and forget about locality, city, cast and religion? I guarantee - Not in my lifetime.
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
Brain & Tomb
Today I complete One year in blogging. 35 posts. Not too bad!
So I read today –
Einstein’s brain was preserved after his death for advance neuroscience research. In order to study what made him genius! AND
Archimedes’ tomb has Sphere and Cylinder carved on it. ‘Relationship between sphere and circumscribed cylinder’ – was the discovery he was most proud of.
There is not a 0.001% chance of any new invention if my brain is preserved. AND
I could not think of a single thing which would suffice my memories after I m gone!! :(
Not at all a pleasant feeling! I shall try to accomplish something in next 50 years!! :P
So I read today –
Einstein’s brain was preserved after his death for advance neuroscience research. In order to study what made him genius! AND
Archimedes’ tomb has Sphere and Cylinder carved on it. ‘Relationship between sphere and circumscribed cylinder’ – was the discovery he was most proud of.
There is not a 0.001% chance of any new invention if my brain is preserved. AND
I could not think of a single thing which would suffice my memories after I m gone!! :(
Not at all a pleasant feeling! I shall try to accomplish something in next 50 years!! :P
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
LahaanpaN dega Deva !!
Back. End of Family time. And restart for Routine life.

I spent a Lot of time with my niece. 3 Months old. Watching her, I realized these things bout infancy.
1) All you do in a day is Sleep, eat, and play. No knowledge, No worries, Absence of any sort of negativism. Jolly life.
2) You are The Boss of your schedule. No one would blame you even if you decide to play or cry aloud at 2 am.
3) You are treated royally. Free service – feeding, bathing, massage, lullabies, entertainment.
3) Everyone says only good things about you. Parents praise you a lot.
4) Your mom actually wants you to sleep. She will do everything to not wake you up.
5) Even if you cry because of some silliest reasons, it is highly discerned and everyone tries to bring a smile on your face.
So why the things change when you are 25? And not just changed but everything is exactly opposite. What crimes have I done to lose all these best n sweet things of being a child?

I spent a Lot of time with my niece. 3 Months old. Watching her, I realized these things bout infancy.
1) All you do in a day is Sleep, eat, and play. No knowledge, No worries, Absence of any sort of negativism. Jolly life.
2) You are The Boss of your schedule. No one would blame you even if you decide to play or cry aloud at 2 am.
3) You are treated royally. Free service – feeding, bathing, massage, lullabies, entertainment.
3) Everyone says only good things about you. Parents praise you a lot.
4) Your mom actually wants you to sleep. She will do everything to not wake you up.
5) Even if you cry because of some silliest reasons, it is highly discerned and everyone tries to bring a smile on your face.
So why the things change when you are 25? And not just changed but everything is exactly opposite. What crimes have I done to lose all these best n sweet things of being a child?
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